博士 教授


电 话:022-23497707

1. 利用先进的分离富集技术助力肿瘤标志物筛选

2. 发展高灵敏、高特异性的肿瘤检测探针

3. 建立面向临床转化的体外诊断新方法



2002-2006 兰州大学 学士

2006-2009 中科院成都生物所 硕士

2009-2012 国家纳米科学中心 博士

2012-2014 美国国立卫生研究院 博士后

2014 至今 南开大学化学学院 研究员、教授/博导


2017-至今 《Nanotheranostics》副主编/编委

2018-至今 中国生物医学工程协会青年委员

2018-至今 中国抗癌协会青年委员

2019-至今 《高等学校化学学报》青年编委

2022-至今 中国研究型医院学会细胞外囊泡研究与应用专业委员会委员

2023-至今 中国生物材料学会体外诊断分会委员



近年来,已在生物医学检测和临床诊断领域发表论文90余篇,他引5500余次。近五年作为通讯作者在Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Sci. Adv.J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Nano Lett.ACS NanoJACS AuJ. Extracell. VesiclesAnal. Chem.等国际知名刊物上发表论文38篇,多篇论文被选为期刊封面、Hot Paper ESI 高被引论文;申请中国专利10项,已授权5项;荣获2019年中华医学会青年科技奖、第二届 “天津青年创新能手称号等荣誉;获得国家重点研发计划和国家自然科学基金委的持续资助,主持项目的经费总额逾千万元。


(1)  Qiang Li, Zhaowei Zhang, Fengchao Wang, Xiang Wang, Saisong Zhan,  Xiaoqing Yang, Chen Xu, Dingbin Liu*, Reversible zwitterionic  coordination enables rapid, high-yield, and high-purity isolation of  extracellular vesicles from biofluids. Science Advances, 2023, DOI:  10.1126/sciadv.adf4568.

(2)  Zhiyou Zong, Xinzhuo Liu, Zhuo Ye, and Dingbin Liu*, A Double-switch  pHLIP system enables Selective Enrichment of Circulating Tumor  Microenvironment-derived Extracellular Vesicles. Proceedings of National  Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2023, 120(2):  e2214912120.

(3)  Zhaowei Zhang, Xuehui Liu, Xiaoqing Yang, Ying Jiang, Ang Li, Jiying  Cong, Yuwei Li, Qinjian Xie, Chen Xu*, and Dingbin Liu*, Identification  of Faecal Extracellular Vesicles as Novel Biomarkers for Non-invasive  Diagnosis and Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer. Journal of Extracellular  Vesicles, 2023, 12(1): 12300.

(4)  Wenshuai Li, Jingjing Wang, Chen Li, Zhiyou Zong, Jinzhong Zhao,  Hongmei Gao, and Dingbin Liu*, Achieving Ultrasensitive Chromogenic  Probes for Rapid, Direct Detection of Carbapenemase-Producing Bacteria  in Sputum. JACS Au, 2023, 3(1): 227-238.

(5)  Fengchao Wang, Ning Sun, Qiang Li, Jie Yang, Xiaoqing Yang, and Dingbin  Liu*, Self-Referenced Synthetic Urinary Biomarker for Quantitative  Monitoring of Cancer Development. Journal of the American Chemical  Society, 2023, 145(2): 919-928.

(6)  Zhuo Ye, Moxuan Ji, Kefeng Wu, Jie Yang, An-an Liu, Wei Sun, Dan Ding,  and Dingbin Liu*, In-Sequence High-Specificity Dual-reporter Unlocking  of Fluorescent Probe enables the Precise Identification of  Atherosclerotic Plaques. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022,  61(29); e202204518.

(7)  Xuehui Liu, Zhiyou Zong, Xinzhuo Liu, Qiang Li, Ang Li, Chen Xu*, and  Dingbin Liu*, Stimuli-mediated Specific Isolation of Exosomes from Blood  Plasma for High-throughput Profiling of Cancer Biomarkers. Small  Methods, 2022, 6(2): 2101234.

(8)  Xinzhuo Liu, Zhiyou Zong, Mindan Xing, Xuehui Liu, Jia Li, and Dingbin  Liu*, pH-Mediated Clustering of Exosomes: Breaking Through the Size  Limit of Exosome Analysis in Conventional Flow Cytometry. Nano Letters,  2021, 21(20): 8817-8823.

(9)  Cai Zhang, Xinzhuo Liu, Zhiwen Xu, and Dingbin Liu*, Multichannel  Stimulus-Responsive Nanoprobes for H2O2 Sensing in Diverse Biological  Milieus. Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(18): 12639-12646.

(10)  Yingna Bi, Huixia Di, Erzao Zeng, Qiang Li, Wenshuai Li, Jie Yang, and  Dingbin Liu*, Reliable Quantification of pH Variation in Live Cells  Using Prussian Blue-Caged Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Probes.'  Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(14): 9574-9582.






教师办公系统 院级仪器管理平台 化学学院论文评审系统