Fig. 1 (a) L1-Eu system, (b) L1-Tb system (inset: the enlarged part reveals the characteristic emissions from Tb3+ ions), and (c) L1-Gd system for the reaction between L1 and the Ln3+ ions at different time. (d) The L1 emission variety and (e) wavelength change for L1-Ln systems. (e) Schematic representation of the energy levels of L1, Eu3+, Tb3+, and Gd3+ ions that induce the antenna effect.
在L1溶液中加入镧系离子后,并监测不同L1-Ln体系荧光行为,发现加入Eu3+以后,配体的蓝光和Eu3+的红光同时增强(Fig. 1a)。L1-Tb体系,也出现配体、金属荧光增强现象,但是Tb3+的特征峰很弱(Fig. 1b)。而在L1-Gd体系,仅仅观察到配体的荧光增强(Fig.1c)。配体荧光增强源自MOFs形成过程中,金属节点对L1转子的旋转限制作用。因为Gd3+激发态能量过高,L1敏化禁阻,所以,L1-Gd体系中的配体发光增强最大;L1传递给Eu3+的能量最多,所以,L1-Eu中配体的发光增强最少(Fig.1d)。随着反应的进行,L1发光有14 nm的蓝移,有力证明了MOFs形成过程中的分子旋转受限(Fig.1e)。同时,根据对照配体tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)ethylene和tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)ethylene与Eu3+,Tb3+和Gd3+的反应,验证了Ln3+的天线效应,并从实验上更新了有效天线效应所需的配体三线态与Ln3+激发态能量差值的阈值(Fig.1g)。
Fig. 2 (a) The 1H NMR of L1 during the L1-Eu system construction. (b) Structure of free L1 with twist angle of 20.1° (top) and L1 in L1-Gd MOF with twist angle of 80.4° (bottom) between pyrazine core and benzene arms.
为证明L1-Ln体系是Ln3+与L1之间的配位作用,而不是简单的混合,1H NMR检测羧基氢的强度,证明了配位反应的逐渐形成(Fig. 2a)。结构解析发现,L1自由态时,苯环与吡嗪环之间的二面角是20.1°,但是在MOF中,该二面角为80.4°,从结构上证明了配体的苯环旋转导致了发光蓝移现象(Fig. 2b)。
Fig. 3 (a) Fluorescence profiles of L1-Eu MOF responding to arginine with different concentrations. (b) Commission International de L’Eclairage of fluorescence spectra of (a). (c) Photographs of L1-Eu MOF in the presence of arginine with different concentrations under 285 nm excitation.
双荧光发射L1-Eu MOF作为探针,实现了对精氨酸的比例型荧光检测,随着精氨酸的加入,红光保持不变,蓝光发射逐渐增强(Fig. 3a,3b)。实现了精氨酸的高灵敏度,低检测限的可视化检测(Fig.3c)。
5、 总结与展望: